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Golf Overview

Golf is a popular sport in which players try to pot a ball into a series of holes in a course in as few strokes as possible. In this guide we will explain the basic Golf rules and how to play Golf in an easy to understand way.

Golf originated around the 15th century in Scotland. The 18-hole round was created at St Andrews in 1764. Golf is one of the most popular sports, with fans numbering over 450 million worldwide.

There are many Golf tournaments including the Masters, the U.S Open, the Open Championship and the PGA Championship.

Aim of the Game

A standard round of Golf generally consists of 18-holes, with the aim of the game of Golf being to hole the ball in as few strokes as possible. Some Golf courses only have 9-holes, so are played twice to make a round.

Playing Field

Unlike many other sports, Golf doesn’t have a fixed court of playing field and can be played on many different types of terrain. These include grassy terrains, hilly terrains as well as desert terrains.

A golf course generally consists of 18-holes. The teeing area is the area where play begins in a hole of golf, with the hole being where you want to pot the ball.

Players and Equipment

Golf can be played individually against other players as well as in teams. Golf players are only allowed to use and carry 14 clubs per round. Tees or pegs are used to elevate golf balls slightly when taking the first shot on a hole.

Of course, you’ll also need golf balls too. Golf players also usually have a glove on one hand when playing. The exact standards of the golf equipment are usually very specific and is regulated by the governing body.


The scoring method used for golf is stroke play. This is where the total number of shots it takes a player to get the ball into the hole is added together. The goal is to complete the course in as few strokes as possible.

How To Win

The winner of golf is the player who gets completes the course of holes in as few strokes as possible. In an amateur game the winner would be the player to get 18-holes in as few strokes as possible (one round).

A standard pro golf tournament is usually held over four days and is four rounds, so the winner would be the player to pot 72-holes in as few strokes as possible.


Golf Rules

  • A golfer uses a selection of clubs to hit a ball into a hole which is denoted by a flag.
  • A golfer must have the correct equipment in line with the Golf rules.
  • Each player must use golf balls they can identify us their own and usually they mark the ball with a pen or a marker.
  • A golfer is allowed no more than 14 clubs in his bag. If they are found with more than 14, a two-stroke penalty is added to the first hole.
  • The game starts at the first hole. A player will start by hitting their golf ball within two Club lengths behind the markers. The aim of this first shot is to hit the ball as close to the hole as possible. Once they have completed their shot it’s their opponent’s turn to do the same.
  • In golf it’s customary for the person who is furthest from the hole to make the next shot.
  • Players alternate shots until both players have put their balls into the hole.
  • The number of strokes it took to sink the ball is recorded and they move on to the next hole.
  • The golden rule of golf is that you must play the ball where it lies (excluding the first shot on a hole which you take from an area called the tee). You cannot move the ball or the environments around it to create a better shot for yourself, and doing so will result in a two stroke penalty.
  • A game is typically played over nine or 18 holes. Usually, pro games are four rounds of 18. The player who completes the course in the fewest number of strokes wins.
  • The beauty about golf is that no two holes are exactly alike. Every golf course is different and each one is designed to make it challenging to get the ball into the hole. There are obstacles such as water hazards, bunkers, roughs and surroundings that make it an interesting challenge.
  • Golfers use different clubs to achieve different types of precision shots to combat these obstacles.
  • That’s basically all you need to know initially but there’s a few other rules you’ll need to know before playing or watching golf.
  • For example, par : Each hole has an average number of shots that a typical golfer should complete it in, based on difficulty and length. This is known as the par of the hole. Depending on how you performed on the hole depends on how your shot is designated. Being under par is good as it means you completed the hole in less shots than expected.
  • There are different levels to being over, on and under par, depending on how many shots to took you to complete the hole. These levels are given different names. 3 under par is called albatross, 2 under par called eagle and 1 under par called birdie. On par is just called par. 1 over par is called bogey, 2 over par called double bogey and three under par called triple bogey.
  • hole-in-one : If you manage to hit your ball into the hole on the very first shot this is known as a hole-in-one.
  • penalty : A penalty is an extra stroke that is added to your score this is usually awarded in the following situations: ball unplayable – sometimes it’s not possible to play a shot because of where the ball has landed. If this happens you must declare the ball unplayable and you have the following three options: 1. You can play the shot again from where you last hit the ball, 2. You can pick up the ball and drop the ball in line with the spot and hole as far back as you like and 3. You drop the ball within two club length sideways, but never any closer. In any case this carries a one-stroke penalty.
  • There are different types of hazards in a Golf course. Hazards have red and yellow margins. Depending on the hazard, the colour margin you hit your ball into and the situation there are different ways to get out of the hazard. Getting your ball in the hazard will usually incur a one stroke penalty.
  • lost ball : Sometimes you cannot find your ball. If you cannot find your ball within five minutes, this is known as a lost ball. You must go back to where you hit your previous shot and play that shot again. This also carries a one-stroke penalty.
  • Visit here to see the video explanation of the Golf rules.

Learn More

Visit here to learn more about Golf and here to learn more about the Golf rules and how to play Golf.

Categories: Golf

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